These are just a few of the sensory experiences you might find inside Creativity Connections:
-Music Room: children can create rhythms/patterns on a Slit Drum, explore the feel of a Babydinda or Amadinda or feel the vibrations emitted from a Whale Drum.
-Light Effects, Table and Kiosk: children can wander through the Mirror Maze, experiment with form in the Light Painting Room, create their own window using Stained Glass Blocks or place vinyl shapes at Window Art.
Creativity Connections is a great place to begin wondering about the scientific concepts of shadow/light, color and sound. A child's interest and familiarity with science come from active engagement at an early age. Each of these experiences provide children with opportunities to explore aspects of their world and develop skills necessary for scientific thought - observation, investigation/asking questions and experimentation.
Creativity Connections can spark your child's curiosity and wonder -- and you can encourage and extend their learning by:
-Welcoming and embracing children’s questions
To help nurture children’s inquiry, communicate positive responses to their questions—no matter how many!
- Provide a positive response. This will communicate to the child that their thoughts are important and that you encourage their curiosity. If the moment isn’t right, assign a time for the two of you to talk about the concept later. Can we talk about this at lunch? I’m going to think about it till then.
-Giving answers that extend learning opportunities
Provide children with a short explanation that can reinforce a concept and open the door to future investigations.
- Add a challenge to the end of an answer. I see you've made a rainbow with the prism. What would happen if you pointed the light in another direction?
- Connect the explanation to something they already know or are familiar with. The prism breaks up the light and creates the colors of the rainbow, just like the raindrops did to the sunlight outside that day we saw a rainbow at the park.
-Instead of “I don’t know,” try “Let’s find out!”
Let children take the lead role of scientist by encouraging them to problem solve and figure out the answer to some of their questions.
- Young children may need your help to get them started. Start by offering suggestions. Allowing children to predict, observe and test their theories are important steps of the scientific process. What would happen if you hit the other end of the drum?
- Follow up after the experience by asking your child to repeat back what he or she has learned. How did you make your picture green? What colors did you use?
Next time:
Learning and growing is risky business! In a future blog post, we will take a look at a recent post from Bay Area Discovery Museum on the importance of taking risks. We will talk about how taking risks can promote creativity and problem solving. We will then provide a few questions for adults to think about as they determine what risks to allow and encourage children to take.