Friday, February 1, 2013

Let's Cook! More Math & Science in the Kitchen

Math and science learning can be as easy as opening up a cookbook! Try a favorite recipe to help boost math and science skills in a fun and delicious way!

Introduce & reinforce math concepts:
Count  Read the recipe out loud. Count the number of ingredients.

Measure  Hands-on measuring can teach more and less.  For older children it can develop an understanding of units of measure and equivalence. When children do work themselves, it creates opportunity to deepen the experience and helps them to learn concepts in another way.

Match  Before you begin to cook, draw silhouettes of utensils. Children can match the shape of the utensil to the silhouette. 

Sort  Gather all the ingredients in your recipe and help the child sort them into groups according to grain, fruit, dairy, vegetable or protein.

Encourage a budding scientist:
Observe  Choose a recipe that takes more than a few minutes to prepare. Children can take notes, collect data and document changes using a chart or graph while tea brews in the sun. 

Compare  Children can use their senses to determine similarities and differences in ingredients.  Touch, smell and see—how is the skin of an apple different from the skin of an orange?

Make predictions  What happens when you mix oil and water?  What if you added more water? More flour? Allow time for the child to think about it and hypothesize.

Experiment  Let children use whatever utensils they choose when mixing—even if you know they are wrong! Ask questions that will help determine which utensil gave the best results.

DuPage Children's Museum offers a Creativity Class on Makin’ Munchies.  Click here to see a full list of classes offered and sign up today!   


Feeney, Lisa. Cooking: A Practical Guide for Teaching Young Children, Scholastic Teaching Resources.

Suggestions for picky eaters and snack ideas from PBS Parents, Kitchen Explorers.

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