What kinds of celebrations are you planning during this time of year? In any culture, it is the celebrations that connect us to each other. Typically, celebrations are woven into our family traditions and help us connect with important people in our lives in meaningful ways.
What's one thing you remember about a family celebration? Good, bad, funny or sad, most of our celebration memories revolve around the connections we have with our family and friends. In her book
I Love you Rituals, author Becky A. Bailey, Ph.D. says that "celebrations can help remind us who we are as individuals and as a family." This is particularly important for children. After all, especially in these trying times, what matters most are the connections we have with family and friends.
Create a family

tradition at DuPage Children's Museum by joining us for our ninth annual New Year's Eve family-friendly celebration,
Bubble Bash. Participate together in this year's theme,
Blast Off. The celebration begins at 9 am and ends with a countdown to noon with Naperville's mayor, George Pradel, to ring in 2011. You and your family can participate in celebratory hands-on activities, play time in all the exhibits, photo opportunities, refreshments and musical performances by
Mr Singer and the Sharp Cookies. This is a reservation-only event. Tickets are available
on-line. To see pictures from last year's celebration, click
here. The book
I Love you Ritual is available for viewing in our
Family Resource Center or can be purchased by using our
Shop and Grow Program.